American Impotence: Obama Era Weakness and Failure Is Back
Joe Biden Has Brought Back American Impotence Diplomatically

In less than ninety days on his puppet throne, Joe Biden has successfully returned American diplomatic policy to the ‘American Impotence’ doctrine that was championed under his predecessor- the one and only pop-culture President, Barack Obama.
Senile Joe has emboldened America’s two greatest adversaries. Now, Russia and China are not only willing to mock America; but they are also changing their rhetoric. From subservient under President Trump, shifting to overtly dismissive condescension under the Biden administration.
There is a reason that Russia and China were deferential and subservient to American strength during the presidency of Donald Trump. That is because from 2017 to 2021, the United States of America had a strong leader. One who was unwilling to cow-tow to foreign resistance and demands. Now, we have the opposite and it is not going to end well. We are heading back to the Obama era, where American impotence was the foreign policy standard.
Just as 2009-2017 was characterized by weakness and failure after failure under the pop culture novelty known as the Obama administration. The Biden administration, with its recent fiasco in Alaska and on primetime television, proves that the Biden administration does not have what it takes to maintain American strength and influence globally.
Just as Obama was a complete sham of a statesman, so too is Biden. Biden is even worse because there is not only a spineless personality to account for but also a degenerative cognitive state. This creates a very unique and very imminent danger for American security both at home and abroad.
American Impotence: Communist China Actually Tried To Lecture America On Democracy and Human Rights
Evidently, the members of the Chinese delegation disrespect the current President and his Secretary of State enough to suggest that American democracy is flawed. Not only that but we should stop trying to spread freedom across the globe. This comes from a communist government that is as totalitarian as it gets in the modern world.
Just because they have a hybrid economy does not mean that they are not still communists. One can only imagine whether or not it is because the Chinese see Biden as so weak that they can, by extension attribute that to the American identity and democracy. Or if it is because they see a puppet President who is beyond incapacitated cognitively, therefore they push simply to see how far they can push.
Whatever the case may be, this overt disrespect and test of American diplomatic resolve are not only dangerous; but it is signaling of China’s willingness to test America at every turn. Liberal lemmings will probably not see the wide-reaching implications of this American impotence, which was conceived under America’s first pop culture President and continued now under America’s first puppet President.
To underestimate the cunning and ruthlessness of the Chinese government is to be ignorant of history. The Chinese, for millennia, have not batted an eye at killing hundreds of thousands of their own people to accomplish political goals. Nor do they balk at a 50-60 year plan to subvert and sabotage in order to achieve their goals. However, with a senile puppet at the helm and a sociopathic moron as his VP; the prospects for increased curtailment of Chinese audacity and influence are bleak.
Tough Guy Joe Decided To Hurl Derogatory Comments At Putin, As If Somehow It Would Improve the American Impotence He Embodies

Leave it to Joe Biden to be as feeble and weak as he is, to openly attack Vladimir Putin who in case you missed it, is the leader of Russia; our former cold-war era enemy. Now keep in mind, that while tough guy Scranton Joe was sexually assaulting interns and pandering to his base; Vladimir Putin was an officer in the KGB (the Soviet Union’s Intelligence Service).
So, why Joe Biden decided to hurl words like “killer” and even go so far as to imply that as President he would make Putin pay for his crimes is beyond me. I know he needs to pander to all the liberal lemmings who see Alexei Navalny as some kind of liberal activist martyr, but to underestimate the willingness of Vladimir Putin to set the stage for a very HOT war is perhaps the most foolish thing anyone can do.
Putin was kept at bay under Trump because in Putin’s own words he looked at Donald Trump as not only an equal but a worthy adversary. To America’s detriment, senile, weak, puppet Joe Biden is President. Joe, being about as tough as a saltine cracker can barely take his dog for a walk without breaking his ankle; thinks it’s a wise diplomatic move to insult and test a man who has disposed of human beings without a moment’s pause. As if Putin was not an officer in one of the top intelligence agencies to ever exist, and who does not care about beginning war with America if the conditions are to his liking.
To add to that, Putin leads one of the most militarily and cyber-warfare-capable countries that exist. So, not only does puppet Joe fancy himself a tough guy, but he also thinks he carries some weight so far as diplomacy and political capital are concerned. Kind of hard to count on when you are a puppet President whose own party does not even take it seriously.
Republicans- It Is Time To Hold The Line And Stay True To The America First Agenda
This return to the days of American impotence globally that was standard during the Obama administration, now reimplemented under another pandering pimp who mistakes himself for a statesman is not only dangerous for our security; but will also serve to erase all of the positives that Donald Trump achieved through true leadership and strength during his administration. It is going to get much worse.
We patriots can only hope for the midterms in 2022 so that we can finally handcuff the incompetent puppet occupying the Oval, and derail the fascist liberals in Congress. As Republicans and patriots, it is no longer about political strategy, it is about holding the line and making the hard choice no matter the cost. Between Herr Schumer, Frau Pelosi, and all the supporting pandering pimps we must preserve democracy in America. Not pander to the pathetic liberal lemmings class who exalt cancel culture as the true litmus test for American society.