Democrats in 2020 are Fascists

Democrats in 2020 are Fascists Biden Harris AOC threat to democracy Trump GOP Republicans protect democracy

It is Election Day. For eight months, Americans have been corrupted by the Democratic party. Democrats in 2020 are fascists. Their ongoing narrative of injustice and outrage against the President of the United States has been the cornerstone of their plot. To ensure terror and panic, they have utilized a planned and exaggerated terror with COVID-19. With the full backing of the mainstream media and big tech, they have brainwashed every weak American. Democrats in 2020 are fascists.

Interesting that every single mask moron and consideration crusader share one common belief. They all have liberal sympathies. The backbone of Democrats’ plot to overthrow the Republic in favor of a more fascist authoritarian state.

There are parallels between the perversion that is liberalism and fascist movements of the twentieth century. Parallels make this more than just a coincidence. The fact is that Democrats in 2020 are fascists. With some research and a look back eighty-seven years ago, the similarities are terrifying. Once you begin to research the timeline of the two main fascist regimes’ rise to power, it is impossible to unsee the parallels.

Democrats in 2020 and their incestuous relationship with the mainstream media allow them to indoctrinate the majority of liberal lemmings. During the rise of fascism in Europe, mainly with Hitler and the Nazis beginning in 1933/34; the Nazis utilized familiar tactics.

This will be exposed as the coup it is. The democratic party at large is seeking to usurp power. Their tools include mass media manipulation, a propaganda scapegoat (Trump), and the manipulation of Covid-19 data. They want to kill any trace of the strong, independent, and free America. America, the thirteen colonies that won independence from Britain. America that survived a civil war. The same America that saved the world not once but twice.

Apologizing for being “offensive” or being a proud American is the soundbite for these fascists. I find it ironic that the democratic party and mainstream media along with big tech are looking exactly like Hitler’s propaganda wizard Joseph Goebbels.

The parallels begin with the Reichstag fire in 1933 (to create terror and foster panic). Then, to the elimination of President Hindenburg (creation of a main political “enemy”) to take control of the government. Eventually, they will secure the dissolution of the legislature’s powers. Finally, the politicization of the courts. All of these feel familiar right? I know.

These are black and white facts, history is history. We vanquished fascism once. We will do it again. With four more years of a Trump administration, these treacherous deeds will be punished. Once again capitalism, competition, and patriotism will prevail. 

For all the “woke” snowflake liberal lemmings reading this and losing your mind, this is the truth. Liberals are all no different than fascist collaborators during World War II. If the liberal reprogramming is short-circuiting now it is because deep down each liberal lemming knows they mean nothing to the pandering overlords in Washington. Simply opening a book would have stopped the liberal lemmings from being no better than the fascist collaborators of old. Too bad there is no excuse for stupidity. Definitely not one for stupidity mixed with disdain for our flag, country, and values.

For all the patriots, take notes. Democrats in 2020 are fascists and educating yourself in history is where one of the sources of our power as a nation lies.