An Election Stolen and a Country Duped

This election will forever go down as a complete fraud. An election was stolen and a country duped. The simple fact is, all mail-in ballots that were not absentee ballots are and always will be illegal. Democratic governors used this hoax of a pandemic to stack the deck. It’s a dark day for this country and our electoral process. Simply put, all those people who used mail-in ballots were comfortable enough to go out and shop at Walmart, they went out to grocery shop, but they couldn’t go to their polling place to vote? Makes absolutely no sense. If you want your voice to be heard you need to exercise your right to vote. If you’re too lazy, too dumb, too indifferent; or more often than not all three, you do not deserve to have a voice. Simple as that.
The founding fathers got a few things absolutely correct. Chief among these include the Electoral College because they knew that the people are not to be trusted with important decisions because they could be persuaded to make poor decisions based on the social atmosphere at any given time.
So there needed to be a backstop to this, an institution that would guarantee that the people are represented but would negate their fickle nature. 2020 is a perfect example, every American who voted blue was conned in one way or another. Every American who voted red understood the stakes and voted for the only things that mattered: American strength, a robust free-market economy, and core American values.
For Republicans, this election was an opportunity to protect the independent judiciary which is not subject to elections and whose one mandate is to uphold the Constitution as well as determine the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress. Another key issue of this election for conservatives was protecting the Office of the President, ensuring that the will of the founders continue to be realized. That the President is not a king or a figurehead, but a leader whose one duty is to protect America and her citizens. Presidents are given one four-year term to chart a path forward for the country and take appropriate steps to accomplish that. If they are successful, they can stand for election one more time and receive another four-year term, after two terms they go back to being just another citizen. The founders framed the Office of the President within these parameters as to not allow the President to become a monarch.
A President does not have to be civil, coddling, or “woke”. A President by nature is a complete and natural killer, a person who makes no apologies for our great nation, and makes no excuses for failure. A President can be uncouth, divisive, and stubborn. In fact, our best Presidents have been stubborn, they have been unapologetic, and also unwavering in their dedication to their beliefs. Look no further than John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump.
John Adams held this fragile experiment together through mass sedition and political potshots that were taken at him and the Federalist party by his old friend Thomas Jefferson, and the Democratic-Republicans. Lincoln held this union together by sheer will and conviction. Teddy Roosevelt made America the dominant world power through his “Big Stick” diplomacy. Reagan defeated the Soviets. Trump oversaw the strongest economy in the modern era, achieved peace in the middle east that didn’t sell out Israel, and changed the game when it comes to what you need to be in order to become President. You do not need to like the President, that is not a prerequisite; but you need to respect him and support him because without the President we become nothing better than any other parliamentary democracy in existence; mediocre and unimpressive.
I cannot wait for 2024. I sincerely hope Trump runs again after these fascists totally destroy our country again. Between now and then I hope he stays vocal and at every turn diminishes the merits of their actions. If he doesn’t, I sure as hell hope Ivanka and Jared run. We need results, not this weak snowflake liberal lemming disgraceful thinking. The liberal mindset and message are nothing short of a disgrace.
America is not fair, America is getting your hands dirty and doing whatever it takes to be successful. You have to want it, it will never be given to you. You can disagree, you can hate my opinion, frankly, I do not give a damn. I will never apologize for putting it out there that liberalism is weak, pathetic, and has no place in a strong America. It is arguably just fascism brought to American shores. Donald Trump was hands down the best president this country has had since Reagan.
Let it be known that Joe Biden is beyond the shadow of a doubt: an illegitimate president. His election was predicated on fraud and manipulation. He is not the man that actual voters chose. He’s not only a puppet, he is a disgrace to the office he will enter. Lemmings can go ahead and enjoy your four years of continuing to be pimped out by your fascist overlords. Hope you feel all warm and comfortable in your blanket of sensitivity, understanding, and tolerance. Because know this: all those things are not what the American spirit is.
America is, has, and always will be: strength, competition, and pride in what makes you American. America is not there to wipe your nose and ass all while telling you that you need to be sensitive and all-inclusive. You are not special, you are not a unique snowflake. You are, until you chose not to be, just another person. You were born with a gift, being born a free citizen of the greatest country to ever exist on this planet. By no means does that mean things will be handed to you. If you want something, you need to be prepared to take it. America is not apologizing and looking for validation in everyone else but yourself.
American spirit and essence will never be able to reduce down for moronic liberal lemmings. This country is not a culture of pathetic attempts at liberal hypocrisy. You all hated Trump because he was the bad man who took away civility and pimping from you under eight years of Obama. Also, the fact he didn’t care about any of the hypocritical panderings of liberals. The values our country was built on and the men who stormed the beaches on D-Day didn’t think about their feeling or Mr. bad Nazi man’s feeling. They did not go to their certain death for a “cancel culture” of tolerance based on liberal hypocrisy. They went because it was a privilege to fight for the flag, and what it stood for. A notion that is as foreign to liberals as working to be successful.
They did not give the last full measure of devotion so that a collective of lobotomized, weak, and disgraceful liberals could tear this country apart and support a coup against the Republic. Ironically, they gave their lives to defeat the tyranny that was fascism and that is what liberalism is: fascism made for America. Liberal lemmings are fascist collaborators, their pimp overlords are traitors.