Biden & Harris: Abolish America Admin

Joe Biden & Kamala Harris-The Abolish America Duo
Joe Biden and his human political shield, Kamala Harris once again made news this week. No, not for their leadership, but for their ineptitude and bizarre behavior. Showing as always, that their mission to abolish America is alive and well.
First, Joe Biden plays a tough guy with law-abiding gun owners, threatening them with nuclear weapons and trying to make it sound macho and decisive at the same time. Then, like Pavlov’s proverbial dog, Kamala Harris takes her cue from Donald Trump and decides to finally go to the border after Trump announced that he would visit the border because of the crisis that has been ongoing for almost four months. After all, she is Biden’s designated “Border Czar”.
There was only one problem, she went to a border town that is not even a hotspot for the border crisis and no one told her that she would have to actually muster up some brainpower to answer questions. True to form, like any insecure person who is clearly out of their depth, she proceeds to spin the choice of El Paso as “symbolic” and anti-Trump. These two events are indicative of the larger trend in the Biden/Harris regime and fascist left at large: Abolish America. That’s the mission and they are not pulling any punches. Really using their ineptitude to speed along the process of dismantling and destroying America.
Whispering To Reporters and Compromising National Security- Just A Couple of Tricks In Joe’s Bag

Imagine a world where the President of the United States meets with one of America’s main adversaries on the world stage and instead of being forceful, strong, and unambiguous; he is weak, even going so far as to ask if Putin would take a bullet-point list of American industries to avoid cyber-attacking.
Well, that world is now. Joe Biden handed one of America’s greatest enemies a bullet-point list of vulnerable, essential American industries to target for one of Russia’s next cyberattacks on American companies as well as agencies. Not to mention America’s very utility infrastructures. Remember the Colonial Pipeline a few weeks ago? yeah, Biden handed over domestic targets to Putin shortly after that whole fiasco. In a sane, non-fascist America there would be investigations and hearings regarding the potential breach of national security by a sitting President. If it was Trump, they’d come bearing daggers, that’s for sure.
Instead, the propagandists on the MSM push this fake narrative of “strength through diplomacy” in order to keep the liberal lemmings faithful to the “New America”. True to form, the fascist left and their army of lobotomized lemmings would rather believe the propaganda rather than see the truth of the matter: the mission to abolish America is just the beginning. Once American society is torn to shreds and they have quashed any conservative dissent, they will either need to turn on each other or present an external threat to their new state. Russia? China? North Korea? Hitler did the same thing.
Then There’s Kamala Harris- America’s Very Own Lost Kid In A Grocery Store

Poor Kamala Harris is so out of her depth that her painful attempts to actually be a leader of any sort, actually prompted the Wall Street Journal to write an article titled “Stop Blaming Kamala Harris” out of what can only be described as sheer pity. The woman is either borderline handicapped when it comes to saying anything of substance or she is that special kind of sociopathic personality that will say and do anything in order to be portrayed as relevant and progressive. Too bad for her the extent of her political ability begins and ends with blaming the former President, Donald Trump for the current border crisis. Since Kamala does not care about facts or causality, she just sticks with the core party line for the Abolish America administration: “Trump Did It”. Completely ignoring the fact that her boy Joe was the one that reversed all Trump policies on day one, and appointed her “Border Czar”.
It’s starting to look more and more like old Joey boy is going to use dear Kamala as a human shield politically. When the lid blows off of everything, she would be the perfect person to leave holding the bag. She is, after all, angling for his job before his term is out. Anyone with two eyes and half a brain for the dictatorships of the 20th century and how their leaders ascended to power can see that Kamala Harris is not only frightening in her lack of leadership skills but actually convinced of her own legend- that she is somehow the future of America.
The Abolish America Duo Will Have To Defeat The Boogeyman Again- In A Legitimate Election

Luckily for America and the patriots that still exist, Donald Trump is back on the trail and if last night’s rally was any indication of what is to come, then the best truly is yet to come. Holding off the barbarian fascists at the gate until 2022 will pave the way for patriots and the remaining true Americans to take back not only our society but our country too. With the passage of election security laws and the defeat of the fascist left’s attempt to nationalize elections, 2022 and 2024 will be secure elections where American democracy will once again thrive.
As I am writing the end of this article, I cannot help but think of my mother who passed away suddenly on June 5th,2021. Her name was Priscilla Stevens and she knew that Honestly Unapologetic not only had a place in the struggle to come, but she truly believed that it will have a necessary role to play. It is in that spirit of sheer confidence and conviction that I dedicate this article to her and her memory. I love you, Mom. I know you’ll always be with me.