Bumbling Biden, Regime Change & World War 3

Hokey Joe Decided To Talk Tough and Likely Set Stage for World War 3
In Warsaw, Poland yesterday the bumbling, at times incoherent puppet masquerading as President of the United States single-handedly set the stage for World War 3. In his futile attempt to channel statesmanship and strength, Joe Biden went further to escalate tensions with Russia than any American President since the end of World War 2 with his statement: “For God’s sake, this man must not remain in power”. Like clockwork for this failure of an administration, the White House in less than forty minutes walked back their bumbling boss’s inflammatory remark. As Fox News observed:
With that remark, U.S. relations with Russia plunged into the deep freeze. President John F. Kennedy never said that to Nikita Khrushchev. Ronald Reagan didn’t say it to Mikhail Gorbachev (who is still alive, by the way). Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has not called for Putin to be overthrown.
Rebecca Grant | Fox News
Considering the fact that the President of the very country Vladimir Putin has invaded and waged war against for a month has not publicly called for Putin to be overthrown, there is absolutely no reason for the part-time puppet pretender to call for such a regime change.
Biden’s Attempt at Tough Talk Plays Into Russian Institutional Paranoia
This administration is so inept, incompetent, and incapable of leadership that the President doesn’t even know his own state department’s policy regarding “regime change” in Russia. If Putin was not paranoid about the West’s true intentions before Biden’s speech Saturday in Warsaw, he surely is now.
Considering Putin is the latest in a long line of Russian leaders since Peter the Great in the 1700s that have been inherently distrustful and paranoid of western intentions; geriatric Joe and his comments have escalated that institutional distrust and paranoia at a very fragile time. At a time when Putin has already hinted at the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine if “Russia is existentially threatened”, bumbling Biden overtly threatens Putin’s position as President of the Russian Federation.
The most concerning aspect of Saturday’s remarks is that Biden spoke without even knowing what his own state department’s policy was regarding Putin’s regime. That policy happens to be the direct opposite of Biden’s remarks calling for regime change in Russia. Biden’s own Secretary of State had to come out inside of an hour to walk back his boss’s moronic and inflammatory statement by stating that the policy of the United States is not one calling for regime change in Russia. The damage had already been done because with the puppet President’s remarks, Putin’s paranoia is heightened. This sets the stage for the unthinkable: Nuclear war. World War 3.