Democrats: America’s Enemy Since 1828.
Democrats- The Party of Slavery, Oppression, Subjugation, and Inequality
Democrats: America’s Enemy. In case you have not been made aware by the events of 2020, the Democratic Party is America’s enemy. It has completely washed its history clean. They are billing themselves as the saviors of civility and justice in America. The reality is they are still the same oppressors and backward thinkers who would rather control than give up power. The Democratic Party is America’s enemy, in fact, the party’s true nature is the opposite of Freedom, Democracy, and Equality. Therefore, as their cancerous ideas spread and corrupt healthy American minds, we must first resolve ourselves to make it abundantly clear to anyone who has been manipulated by democrats for the past sixty years that Democrats are America’s enemy.
Abolishing Slavery and Passing Civil Rights In The 1960s were Democrat Victories, Right? Wrong

Since 1828 when Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren formed the Democratic party, originally with a pro-slavery platform; the party has always been in the opposition to meaningful efforts to bridge equality divides across races in America.
Now, that is something that has been conveniently swept under the rug, and currently, a vast majority of the lobotomized lemmings think this historical fact is equivalent to some sort of conspiracy theory. So that tells you how effective they have been as a party in keeping the focus on equity and tolerance.
When at their roots they ideologically and politically supported the ownership of other human beings as slaves. So, while a bit obvious to point out, it should be said that the level of hypocrisy is off the charts.
The Inconvenient Truth About Democrats and Liberal Hypocrisy
Knowing also that Democrats turned a blind eye to the Ku Klux Klan in order to enforce Jim Crow laws in the south from the end of reconstruction to the passage of Civil Rights in the 1960s. Effectively utilizing them as an off-the-books domestic terror group to hunt and terrorize black communities in the South for about ninety years after the Civil War, and well into the 1960s.
It kind of makes you ask yourself between the democrat-backed ANTIFA and BLM which are both domestic terror groups, what is the purpose this time? Is it to instigate racial tensions in order to create the division that they have distorted history to go from oppressor to protector of civil rights?
The “fact-checker” propaganda that tries to wash over this history cites a platform change in the mid 20th century regarding race relations. They also conveniently omit that the catalyst for the change was the signing of the Civil Rights Bill by Lyndon Johnson. Civil Rights being the cause that he sold as the continuation of John Kennedy’s agenda, after Kennedy’s tragic assassination.
All along Johnson being the political operator he was, knew it would forever be associated with Democrats. Johnson reportedly remarked that due to him signing such monumental legislation, he had “assured that every ****** would vote democrat for the next 200 years”.
This is the reality of the party’s true nature. Making the Democratic Party truly America’s enemy and the republic’s greatest threat.
Are You A Victim of Liberal Hypocrisy? That Was The Goal
The Democratic party’s modern re-branding and reprogramming of their loyal “consideration crusaders” have been made possible by a media apparatus that has shifted from fact-based news and journalism to the more authoritarian propaganda-based model. Most importantly, they can give credit to their intellectually handicapped base populated by liberal lemmings.
The tagline is now some combination of loosely connected words having to do with tolerance, justice, and equality. Needless to say, there is a none propaganda version of American history. History reflects the true nature of the Democratic party and what it continues to do in regard to policy just shows that while the tools may have changed; the desire to subjugate, oppress, manipulate, and incite division are still their guiding principles.
They have managed to be on the wrong side of progress and history at every major landmark moment for the advancement of racial equity. While outrageously hypocritical in both ideology and action, the Democratic Party and by extension the collective of lobotomized injustice crusaders known as Democrats are fundamentally opposed to the principles this great country was founded upon. This makes the Democratic party America’s enemy and the republic’s gravest threat.
They are willing to use violence to accomplish the spread of their ideologies and have no qualms about turning institutions such as congress into a kangaroo court. All in service to the one goal, which is to destroy the greatest threat to their newfound power: President Donald Trump.
History speaks for itself. The recent flurry of executive orders puppet Joe has authorized does not indicate a policy shift, but a complete ideology shift from America First policies under Trump. In favor of a return back to the systemic and at times, criminal policies in place from 2009-2017. It was a time of inept and disdainful leadership from the top down. A period during which only pop culture was the focus instead of actual governance. With nothing of substance to show.
So with all of this said, it’s history. There is really only so much the lobotomized lemming thought process will be able to do, in order to try to grasp this programming glitch. I suppose that’s why they cater to the weakest of the electorate. Not only is the Democratic party America’s enemy but it also poses a grave threat to the existence of the very republic.
Just remember, remember that America has survived and she will continue to survive. Liberalism is not strong enough or for that matter compatible with the truly independent and free state that is America. President Trump knew that he never lost sight of making it a reality again. Woke liberalism will destroy itself by 2022. With that, the greatest threat to American democracy will cease to exist. That’s how authoritarian regimes bite the dust outside of world wars. So let’s prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Buckle up, this is going to be a very bumpy ride.