Election Security Bills Save Democracy
It Is Not Racist To Make It Easier To Vote By Passing Election Security Laws

The great state of Georgia has taken the necessary steps to ensure that future elections are secure. In the process, they have exposed a fatal flaw in the fascist liberal agenda. Their hold on power is dependent on cementing the corrupt tactics and extralegal election orders used in the last election. Their attempt to nationalize elections has fallen victim to the filibuster for the time being. The Georgia election security laws are a clear example of why state sovereignty is America’s best weapon against the fascist liberals and the mob of lemmings.
It is no surprise though that the first word the liberal hypocrites and their propagandist hand puppets scream is “racism”. It is the default setting for every pimp masquerading as a “civil rights champion” or “activist”; when the Democratic party is in danger of losing its grip on minorities they cry racism and voter suppression. In short order, they invoke the civil rights movement and the likes of M.L.K.
Never once do you see Al Sharpton, or Barack “Racial Division” Obama mentioning the history of the Democratic party as the party of jim crow, segregation, and mass incarceration. The very fact that a sitting President, who has ties to the southern democrats that filibustered civil rights in the 1960s, would label election security laws in Georgia as “Jim Crow in the 21st century” is unconscionable. It is more of the same racial divisiveness and inflammatory racial rhetoric that was rampant under Obama.
What Happens When Liberal Activist Thugs And Intimidators Are Rendered Powerless? Mobilize The Woke Lemmings and Cancel Culture

The real reason that the propagandists and the pandering pimps are crying “voter suppression” and “racism” is that they know this trend will make it impossible to hold onto power. The Georgia election security laws make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. Anyone who takes the time to read the bill will see that it expands early voting, modifies requirements for identification verification, and outlines changes to the security measures used on ballots.
These are common-sense solutions to the problems that plagued the last election. This is the action that a state takes when the subversion and corruption of not one, but two elections destroy the confidence and integrity of democracy itself. You can read the full text of the bill here.
The simple fact is that the failed gubernatorial candidate turned “activist”, Stacey Abrams, and those like her will not be able to intimidate and manipulate minority voters in order to influence elections any longer. Considering Abrams and John Warnock are under investigation for the New Georgia Project’s violations of election law in the past two Georgia elections; the election security laws are in fact not racist or suppressive but much needed.
Abrams and the New Georgia Project operate like the Tammany Hall political machine in late 19th century New York. If you have ever seen Gangs of New York you can get a dramatized idea of how Democrats have always used intimidation and racial divisiveness to mobilize the disenfranchised come election time.
Abrams and her band of intimidators and thugs preach racial equity but in reality, are the ones who are oppressing their own people. This is one of the core hypocrisies of liberalism and reflective of the Democratic party’s racist history.
Corporate America Pandering To The Toxic Woke Mob Must Be Punished
It is beyond surreal that corporate America is acquiescing to the demands of a mob of fascist collaborators on Twitter. These lemmings regurgitate the outrage that the pandering pimps tell them to regurgitate. The worst part of all of this is the capitulation of corporate America and Major League Baseball to the woke mob and cancel culture at large. Coca-Cola, a corporation that trains its white employees to be “less white” has the audacity to condemn and criticize Georgia for “voter suppression” and “racism”.
The MLB pandered completely to the mob, moved the all-star game to Colorado, and threw into jeopardy the anti-trust exemptions granted to it by the government. Like the NBA, the MLB deserves to suffer for the damage its shameless un-American pandering has caused. Condemning states like Georgia for election security laws and attacking democracy as corporate America has will only end when states hurt these corporations and sports leagues where it hurts the most: the wallets of the owners and CEOs.
Every Republican legislature must pass similar laws if the future elections in America are to remain free and fair. If Republican legislators do not overhaul election law like Georgia, making it easier to vote and harder to cheat, then the usurpers will be able to subvert democracy over and over again. At that point, democracy and our Republic will cease to exist. Then the fascist welfare state liberals crave will reign supreme.