“Eliminate The Filibuster”: More Liberal Hypocrisy
Want To Nationalize Elections? Eliminating The Filibuster Is Necessary

It serves liberals right that their blatant power grab, formally named “H.R. 1”, is destined to become the latest victim of the filibuster. The “For The People Act” is just the latest example of liberal hypocrisy. H.R 1 is meant to serve one purpose, to ensure America never has a free and fair election again. It achieves this by cementing the avenues that liberals used in 2020 to subvert the Constitution and rig an election.
Among other areas, it would ensure the expansion of universal mail-in ballots. It seeks to nationalize elections and circumvent state legislatures in the wake of Republican legislatures passing election laws to prevent the events of 2020 from occurring again. Only the filibuster can stop it, so they want to eliminate the filibuster.
Every propagandist is toting it as an expansion of voter’s rights, and like any good liberal hustle, they invoke civil rights to sell it to the lemmings. Naturally, Frau Pelosi had House Majority Whip James Clyburn do an interview in which he called on the Senate to eliminate the filibuster so that H.R. 1 becomes law. For good measure, puppet President Joe Biden summoned up the lucidity to arrange a recorded address on the anniversary of “Bloody Sunday” and signed an executive order to give it some razzle-dazzle. It is liberal hypocrisy at its best, the history of the filibuster is evidence of the double standard of these fascist liberals.
Eliminate The Filibuster? Democrats Created It!

Just a quick recap, the filibuster has been used mostly by Democrats as a tool to obstruct the majority since the nineteenth century. From issues ranging from slavery and civil rights to election law, the filibuster has been used. It was not until 1917 under Democrat Woodrow Wilson, that the filibuster and requirements for cloture were codified. According to Professor Sarah Binder, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution during her testimony in front of the U.S Senate Committee on Rules and Administration in 2010:
“We saw a perfect storm in March of 1917: a pivotal issue, a president at his bully pulpit, an attentive press, and a public engagement in the fight for reform. At the outset of World War I, Republican senators successfully filibustered President Wilson’s proposal to arm merchant ships—leading Wilson in March of 1917 to famously brand the obstructionists as a “little group of willful men.” He demanded the Senate create a cloture rule, the press dubbed the rule a “war measure,” and the public burned senators in effigy around the country.
Adoption of Rule 22 occurred because Wilson and the Democrats framed the rule as a matter of national security. They fused procedure with policy, and used the bully pulpit to shame senators into reform.”
Professor Sarah Binder, The Brookings Institution
That sure sounds a lot like Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi in 2021. It’s no coincidence, it is evidence of the fascist liberalism that has always driven the Democratic party.
Woodrow Wilson, like Barack Obama, fancied himself a statesman. So in 1919 when he came back from Europe with the Treaty of Versailles and championed cloture in order to have the treaty ratified, he lost the vote twice and suffered a stroke shortly after.
Stripping The Minority Voice To Advance Civil Rights? Democrats Used The Filibuster To Try And Kill The Civil Rights Act

The liberal hypocrisy is amazing in its boldness. Pandering puppet President Joe Biden’s mentor Democratic Senator Robert C. Byrd spoke for 14 hours to filibuster the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Much to Byrd’s and other Southern Democrats’ dismay, the votes for cloture ended the filibuster allowing for its passage. Republican senators made that cloture vote possible. It was by design that President Johnson was the one to sign it.
The Democratic party has long been the party of oppression and suppression. However, they never miss an opportunity to pander and pimp the oppressed and disadvantaged for political gain. It is liberal hypocrisy at its finest when they use their own party’s historical exploitation of minorities to further racial division. All in the service of advancing their agenda to transform America into a fascist state and solidify their power.
Eliminating the filibuster would be the ultimate example of liberal hypocrisy and the double standard. All the while, these liberal lemmings are lobotomized by the propaganda puppets to support this hypocrisy and destroy democracy.
Eliminating the Minority’s Only Tool Would Be A ‘Catastrophe’, For American Democracy

Allowing these fascist liberals to legislate unobstructed for even the next two years will have catastrophic consequences for American democracy. First, nationalizing elections would ensure that the Constitution would effectively become irrelevant. Since the state legislatures are solely responsible for creating election law, the “For The People Act” is nothing more than a fascist power play to allow the federal government to mandate universal mail-in balloting in order to rig future elections.
The very ideology of American liberalism must be curtailed and attacked at every opportunity. Allowing for them to eliminate the filibuster would seal the fate of our republic, and end American democracy as we know it. America would never have another free and fair election again. Nothing that the propagandists or the liberal lemmings say will change that. So long as the liberal hypocrisy is made known, and the fascist agenda is obstructed until the states can legislate against universal mail-in balloting; American democracy and the republic our founders created will not perish.