Honestly Unapologetic: Conservative News and Commentary| About Us
One Goal: To Be A Source of Patriotism Providing Political Examination and Commentary
Here at Honestly Unapologetic, we write about the topics that we feel need to be addressed. The existence of a brazenly impartial and propagandist mainstream media, authoritarianism masquerading as the democratic party, and the lobotomized liberal lemmings have made it necessary to actively attack liberal hypocrisy. That is patriotism, doing your part to combat forces that seek to subjugate and oppress.
Why “Honestly Unapologetic”?
Here at Honestly Unapologetic, we take the implications of our very name to heart. We could care less when it comes to how it makes some people feel. Regardless of ridicule or divisiveness, we will continue here at Honestly Unapologetic.
The name Honestly Unapologetic is also a reminder for all patriots. A reminder that there is no need for apologies when you honestly believe in the principles that make America the pinnacle of philosophical and political evolution. That is patriotism, that is America.
No pandering or hypocritical moral superiority here. Here, there is absolutely no shred of that special type of hypocrisy that comes with the liberal mindset.
What We Stand For at Honestly Unapologetic
I am an American. Never going to apologize for that. Personally, I do not think any citizen should be shamed or manipulated into feeling that being American is a deficiency. America is competition, it is strength, it is intellect. Most of all it is the freedoms and opportunities that simply being American provides each citizen. To forsake that gift, or vilify it; is the worst kind of treason. Dishonoring those who gave their lives to protect the symbol of those freedoms, the American flag.
This country was based upon the idea that all men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We are all given certain rights that no one, not even the government can take from us.
I created this blog to remind those reading, that it is not enough to just sit idly by and passively exercise your rights. You must actively acknowledge them so they keep their value. The memory of every man and woman who has given their lives in defense of this country deserves it and our very liberty demands it.