How Did We Get Here? Snowflake Liberal Lemmings

The Democratic party consists of absolute snowflake liberal lemming trash. Anti-American to the core. They believe they are arbiters of justice and morality. The hopelessly liberal (borderline fascist) ideology just adds a level of idiocy that could be mistaken for mental deficiency. Those components allow for the active mass manipulation of America’s weakest link, snowflake liberal lemmings. This is just another example of the current state of affairs we currently find ourselves in.
The talking hand puppets that these snowflake liberal lemmings believe to be “journalists” are in all actuality just a group of compromised, egotistical, self-aggrandizing propagandists. Every one of them actively advocates the usurpation of democratic ideals and institutions, all while empowering these weak, snowflake liberal lemmings with some sense of superiority because they buy into the circle jerk that is liberalism. I am of course referring to the reverence they place on “tolerance”, “justice”, “consideration”, and “fairness”.
Since it is the force-feeding en mass of these principles to the pretty little snowflake liberal lemmings that has allowed for the Democrats to perpetuate this egregious fraud; we must fight their weakness with strength. Take the fact that from the top-down, every single liberal asserts that what President Trump is doing by not conceding is tantamount to stealing an election. This position is not only out of touch; but it illustrates a common trait of these collaborator puppets: none of them has a rudimentary understanding of American institutions.
If they had even the most basic knowledge of the American government, the rhetoric surrounding this election would be very different. They don’t though because to every democrat, the facts are optional. To liberals, the law is optional. If facts or laws impede the propaganda that every liberal propagates, they are simply disregarded. This is a result of their party leaders pushing an ideology based on hate, intolerance, and collective shame. It fills their little unique snowflake heads up with notions of entitlement and credulity.
The treacherous collaborators that snowflake liberal lemmings are all convinced that somehow their feelings, their own self-importance, and their moral superiority somehow make them actually worth something. Yeah, a group that the fascist leaders can exploit. Considering they are all pandering, hypocritical pimps. The lemmings are just walking, talking “woke” punchlines in the ongoing hustle that is liberalism. Worst of all, they have been indoctrinated in the most anti-American belief that exists: “woke snowflake liberalism”. This is also known as the “Death of America”. They have all banded together to help a pretender steal an election. Implying that being American should be a source of shame and not pride. As a result, betraying everything America stands for in the process. Congratulations, traitors.
Now, the interesting part is going to come when/if this election is remedied and President Trump is reelected. Not only will liberals have to reconcile “the bad man’ winning after everything. They will also have to come to terms with the fact that what they were complicit in, is nothing short of treason. They embody the antithesis of America. Snowflake liberal lemmings are a disgrace to the Republic, a dishonor to the memory of those who gave their lives for America, and a betrayal to the principles this country was created upon.