Joe Biden and Afghanistan- A Disgrace
Twenty Years of Afghan Nation-Building Destroyed by Joe Biden in Thirty Days

After twenty years of nation-building in Afghanistan, Joe Biden has single-handily found a way to destabilize an entire country and throw the Middle East into another power vacuum like his boss Barack Obama did with ISIS. Except this time it is not because of ego like with Obama, but because of a unique mixture of incompetence and indifference. Where was Joe when Kabul was falling? He was nowhere to be found, the President of the United States is a disgrace to the memory of every American killed or wounded in the past twenty years during the war in Afghanistan; and poses a clear and present danger to both America’s domestic security and the security of American citizens abroad.
During his eight-year tenure as Vice President, he failed miserably as Obama’s point-person for Afghanistan. Much like his handicapped VP is doing currently with our southern border. Not only is this a continuation of Obama era hatred for American strength abroad (Obama was responsible for the murder of his very own Ambassador in Benghazi because his ego wanted the deal with Iran to succeed), but it is a campaign to destroy and cripple America to such a degree that another attack on our soil by any one of our numerous enemies on the world stage is all but assured.
Joe Biden was simply a liability before this, now he is an imminent threat to our national security. This is simply one front of the liberal’s fascist overthrow of our democracy. In seven months they have spent us into a level of debt that can only be described as malicious. Their economic policies are meant to spend us so far into debt that the redistribution of wealth will be the only option. They are keeping the pandemic soaring with the fiasco at the southern border, and they are years into a culture war that is being fought by their Hitler youth army of liberal lemmings.
Just like every despotic, tyrannical regime, these fascist liberals seek to weaken our country to make it susceptible to attack from both within and abroad. This way when they marshall the defense, they can claim to be the saviors of the republic when at the end of the day they caused all of it. Hiter did it, Mussolini did it, and now Joe Biden and his sock puppet Kamala Harris are doing it. Joe Biden is a disgrace to every remaining patriot and a symbol of the liberal malice toward our Republic.
American Blood, Treasure, & Strength mean nothing to Biden or Fascist Liberals

Joe Biden should heed Donald Trump’s call for him to “resign in disgrace” over the capitulation of Afghanistan to the Taliban. This is reminiscent of America’s last great public defeat, which occurred in Saigon in 1975. The imaged from the airlifts are eerily similar. Almost like our failure as the greatest superpower the world has ever known falls squarely on Joe Biden’s fragile pretender shoulders.
President Trump literally handed this administration a secure border, a strong economy, and foreign clout both militarily and diplomatically. However, these fascist liberals want to destroy that strength, peace, and prosperity because they are traitors and enemies of our Republic. They are content being pandering pimp overlords who exploit their base; luckily for them, the base they cultivated happens to be the weakest and most entitled with the least reason our society has to offer.
The cost in American blood and treasure alone is something that should be noted because what Joe Biden has effectively done is soil the memory and sacrifice of our servicemen and women who were killed during the Afghan war. According to the Associated Press figures relating to the twenty-year war, all 2,448 of them. All of the 3,846 American contractors were killed. The 1,144 NATO allies as well. Not to mention the $2 trillion that was spent on the war not in cash, but on credit. The figure by the way will balloon to $6.5 trillion by the year 2050.
Joe Biden is a disgrace to the office, the flag, and the memory of our brave servicemen and women who gave the last full measure of devotion for freedom and democracy. On top of it, he has made sure that this failure will be paid for by our grandchildren. Along with all of the unnecessary, hand-out right “social infrastructure” so that the average American can go on the government till and not have to earn or work for a living.
As the Declaration of Independence states: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness”. We must now make that determination of this government and exercise our sovereign right as free and patriotic Americans. Before it is too late.