Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline: Our Enemies Know It
Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline Has To Be Addressed Immediately
The fact that not one major media outlet covered Joe Biden’s recent fall up the stairs of Air Force One is mind-boggling. The propagandists have diverted the attention of the liberal lemmings from Joe Biden’s cognitive decline with a sensationalized shooting in Atlanta. They are using a shooting where the suspect confessed that he was driven by his sexual desires, as an opportunity to pander to the “race-rangers”.
Just like every other opportunity that presents itself in the world, the panderers and pimps will exploit it and frame a fictitious narrative around it. Except for this time, it is to further a cover-up of Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. America is weak and is led by a frail, senile old man. Joe Biden’s inability to discharge his duties is a national security threat.
The President of the United States is compromised.
Putin Responded to Joe Biden’s Foolish Remarks As Someone Would Respond To A Child
Let that sink in for a moment. Our country is led by a frail, senile old man. Our enemies know it and the liberal lemmings ignore it. Joe Biden picked a fight with Vladimir Putin and the Russian leader answered back with a schoolyard response: “It takes one to know one”.
It is almost like he knows that he is talking to a man with the cognitive capabilities of an eight-year-old. Putin even made it a picture book for Joe Biden, complete in a sheepskin outfit. The sheepskin outfit clearly being a dig at the liberal lemmings who “voted” for Joe Biden.

So Vladimir Putin is not only mocking Joe Biden, but he is also showing his preparedness for conflict. By taking this photo in Siberia, one of the coldest places on Earth, he is displaying his physical fitness. Showing his superiority to Biden (and America by extension), to his people, and the rest of the world.
While Joe Biden has been in office for almost 70 days, he has made a few remarks. The President of the United States could not even muster the strength to give a state of the union address while a “pandemic” is raging. What is going on while the President is hiding in the White House? The liberal overlords on Capitol Hill are spending like drunken socialists and shredding the constitution like tyrannical fascists.
China and Russia are literally mocking us at every turn, and establishing themselves as immune from American will and policy. Much like they absolutely disregarded and exploited Obama’s weakness as a leader, diplomat, and statesman. This time, they will take it a step further to overt aggression, that is a certainty. When that happens, Joe Biden’s cognitive decline will be the reason.
Joe Biden Is Telling The World About His Cognitive Decline- “President Harris”?

Every single pseudo-press conference Joe Biden makes guess who is in the frame? Kamala Harris. Like a page out of the dictator’s playbook, she is projecting a sense of continuity. So that when Joe Biden’s cognitive decline becomes too incapacitating to ignore, and the 25th amendment is exercised, the fascist liberals will finally get the President they wanted all along.
Kamala Harris- the bumbling, cackling, inept Vice President. That is who will succeed Joe Biden when his cognitive decline becomes impossible to ignore, much to the delight of liberal hypocrites on Capitol Hill and the lobotomized liberal lemmings alike.
This has been the fascist liberal plan all along. Joe Biden’s campaign would not have existed if COVID was not exploited by the propagandists to spread fear and panic. Without COVID they would not have been able to steal an election by exploiting that fear and panic. Now that they have usurped power they are using it to destroy our country. Recent legislation to nationalize elections only serves to accomplish a singular goal: destroy American democracy.
The Double Standard Of Liberal Hypocrisy Is Alive And Well
I imagine that the propagandist “fact-checkers” will have to write off Joe Biden’s cognitive decline and this most recent example as nothing out of the ordinary. They’ll bring up Gerald Ford, and President Trump at West Point so that the liberal lemmings will dismiss the notion of an incapacitated puppet President. However, nothing will change the fact that the United States has a leader who is not only senile but physically frail.
The double standard of liberal hypocrisy is present as always, right in front of the faces of anyone who can still think for themselves. If this was President Trump, they would be calling for the 25th, speculating about his ability to lead and discharge his duties. They most certainly would not write it off as a “gaffe”, or neglect to cover it. They would encourage the liberal lemmings to riot, and they would somehow throw racism in there for good measure.
True to form, the fascist liberals and their propaganda ministries, will pull the wool over the eyes of liberal lemmings, while they continue to spend like simple math does not apply to them. It does though, the really insane detail is: they do not care, they want the economy to crash. They want to let in millions of illegal aliens, terrorists included. When there is hyperinflation and massive devaluation of the dollar; there are disenfranchised and impoverished people for them to pimp and pander to. More slaves for these fascist liberals to have at their disposal. That’s the theme of liberalism after all: subjugation and oppression to increase political power.