Kill Squad Blue: Fifth Amendment Edition
Derek Chauvin Is Guilty But His Fifth Amendment Rights Were Violated By The Liberal Mob

Derek Chauvin is guilty of manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. If this were 2018, before the emergence of the domestic terror group BLM, the jury would have delivered a guilty verdict on the charge of manslaughter. Except it is not 2018, and BLM does exist as a domestic terror group that is endorsed and glorified by the fascist liberals in power as well as by propaganda puppets like CNN’s Don Lemon. The Fifth Amendment grants every American the protection of due process under the law. According to the Constitution Center, the due process clause is defined as follows:
“At the most general level, the clause reiterates the principle of the rule of law: the government must act in accordance with legal rules and not contrary to them. A more specific application of the Clause is the doctrine today called “procedural due process,” which concerns the fairness and lawfulness of decision-making methods used by the courts and the executive. Governmental actors violate due process when they frustrate the fairness of proceedings…”
Professor Roger A. Fairfax & Professor John C. Harrison- The National Constitution Center
During the Chauvin trial, the jury was not sequestered. This lack of isolation from the threats of violence and rioting that was being propagated by both BLM and politicians alike caused the jury to be unduly influenced, leading them to deliver a guilty verdict on the charge of second-degree murder. Simply put, Derek Chavin was guilty of manslaughter. With the images and video of armed BLM paramilitary detachments that were constantly running on the propagandist stations of CNN, MSNBC, and others; the jury was influenced by the looming threats of violence and destruction to their own city. This is not going to be an isolated incident. This is going to be the standard moving forward, in line with the fascist liberal’s end goal of eradicating the Bill of Rights.
Maxine Waters Will Most Likely Be The Reason Chauvin Wins On Appeal

The fascist left has been incrementally dismantling the Bill of Rights since they usurped power from Americans in 2020. From the attempted censorship of conservative social media company Parler in January to Joe Biden’s unilateral attack on the Second Amendment with his executive orders to curtail the rights of law-abiding, responsible gun owners earlier this month; the tyrannical fascists at the head of the Democratic Party will stop at nothing to create a one-party America that Barack Obama envisioned. Since January, three of the first ten amendments to our Constitution have been attacked by liberals who used racially divisive rhetoric and mass outrage to further their agenda of eradicating dissent and destroying our Republic. The fifth amendment is the most recent.
Maxine Waters is a perfect example of the hypocritical, divisive, and intellectually handicapped left. She traveled under police escort to Minneapolis on the eve of the jury’s verdict to call the left’s domestic terror arm to action. She advocated getting more confrontational, and violent if the “right verdict” was not handed down by the jury. Maxine Waters wanted so badly to be perceived as a civil rights activist and champion that she gave the defense a strong basis on appeal to get the trial thrown out. In true liberal fashion, her interest in dividing and inciting violence under the guise of “racial equity” outweighed the potential to give Chauvin a chance on appeal.
Joe Biden Even Got In On The Violation Of Chauvin’s Fifth Amendment Rights

It’s almost as if in forty years in government, Joe Biden had never heard of the separation of powers. His handlers saw the perfect opportunity to intimidate the jury into delivering “the right verdict” that they had the sitting President say that he was “praying for the right verdict” and then immediately mentioning that it was okay for him to speak about it because the jury was sequestered.
Too bad that in reality every mayor, state official, and citizen was already threatened with riots and violence if Chauvin was not convicted on all counts; and if that was the case, it is not implausible to say that the jury was able to learn of Biden’s remarks even though they were sequestered.
It is this willingness to use the executive branch to comment and influence the proceedings of the judicial branch that signals a very dangerous shift away from the very foundation our Republic was built on. The propagandist media, pandering pimps in government, and an administration that is dedicated to Barack Obama’s vision of a divided one-party state is inching closer to their goal. All the while, their army of handicapped lemmings are completely oblivious to what is going on because they are so consumed with their own self-importance that they give this fascist liberalism a very real power. With the subversion of the first, second, and fifth amendments, we lose three of the most important protections the Constitution accords all citizens. This fascist liberalism must be combated at every turn because if it is allowed to emerge victorious all hope for America to remain free will be lost.