Liberal Lemmings: Get A Reality Check

I came across this image on Twitter. It was retweeted and created by the liberal lemmings. Their fascist overlords have brainwashed them to the point that they accuse President Trump of fascism. The irony is that it is their party that has become the fascist enemy. Here is the image:

Liberals are the modern day fascists Democrats want to destroy America GOP Republicans Trump protect democracy

With each number, I will explain to these liberal lemmings what the reality is. How it is their party that embodies each one. Enjoy.

  1. Powerful and continuing nationalism: Rather than a powerful and continuing nationalism, these fascist democrats and their liberal lemmings have fostered a powerful and continuing Anti-Nationalist sentiment. Instead of revering America, they shame and degrade it. They make it something that must be apologized for.
  2. Disdain for Human Rights: They seek to keep mass incarceration a policy, they also advocated the idea of mandatory minimums, and they openly encourage their liberal lemmings to participate in the targeting of anyone who supports the President. The fascist Democrats have always wanted to lock people up to make felons so that those felons will live in a state of indentured servitude and would be dependent on the system.
  3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause: Defeat Trump as Biden’s unofficial campaign slogan. Pro-Trump lists, targeting Pro-Trump businesses during their “racial justice riots”.
  4. Supremacy of the military: This is no longer something that can be tied to fascism, as America is superior no matter the circumstances. We have the most advanced and superior military on the planet.
  5. Rampant Sexism:“#metoo”, cancel culture has become rampant with this polarity when it comes to sex and abuse. It all started with the fascist democrats and their flesh puppet liberal lemming supporters.
  6. Controlled Mass Media: Mainstream media, need I say more? They all actively spew propaganda that has no basis in fact or is parsed to the point that it distorts the truth. CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, Slate. They’re all a part of the fascist democrats’ ministry of propaganda and culture.
  7. Obsession with National Security: Mueller Investigation, “Russian Collusion”, Impeachment. All of which showed a clear motivation by the outgoing Obama administration, and the democrat congress to subvert and attack a legitimate President all because he won the election against their heir presumptive. All masked under the guise of national security.
  8. Religion and Government intertwined: Instead of religion, they now intertwine leftist ideology as the new religion into government. The active supersession of religion is their new guiding principle.
  9. Corporate Power Protected: They hyped up Covid as a tool of terror and fear. As a result, they instituted lockdowns which have successfully killed a large percentage of small businesses. As a result, the fascist democrats have enriched the mega-corporations in big tech and online retailers. Kill mom and pops, make Bezos and Zuckerberg richer. That is the fascist doctrine these liberal lemmings endorse.
  10. Labor Power Suppressed: Killing small businesses they kill the source of labor. Then they send those unemployed to go to work for the very same corporate giants they enriched. Amazon and Walmart are prime examples of this. Also, those companies become the place where the impoverished spend their SNAP benefits. It becomes a huge circle of graft, corruption, and skimming.
  11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts: These fascist democrats actually empower their liberal lemmings by advocating that intellect and intelligence do not matter because facts do not matter. therefore they attack intellectuals and the arts by negating their importance.
  12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment: It is an obsession now with committing a crime and avoiding punishment. BLM, Antifa, Riots. Kamala bailing out rioters. When she was in California for years making sure marijuana offenses were prosecuted to the maximum extent. She targeted young black men when she was a prosecutor.
  13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption: They enriched Big Corporations like Amazon and Walmart with Covid lockdowns. Kill small businesses all in the service of transferring wealth from the main street to their corporate overlords. Then they take the newly impoverished and get them on SNAP, then the SNAP benefits are spent at the stores of the very corporations they are enriching. There is the definition of cronyism and corruption. fascist democrats and the liberal lemmings did that, not President Trump.
  14. Fraudulent Elections: Mail-in ballots that were not legal under state law. Overreach by Democrat governors to make election law because of the same Covid that the fascist democrats hyped up to create panic and fear. Then overtly dumping Biden ballots at 3 am the morning after election day. Statistically impossible numbers at that. For more on the stolen election, visit here.
democrats liberal lemmings threat to democracy

There you have it, liberal lemmings should take notes. They are fascist collaborators. Traitors to, and enemies of America.