Liberalism & The Democratic Party: The Death of America

Liberalism Is The Death of America
Within the past three and a half years there has been an unprecedented push from the Democratic Party and “Woke” Liberals as a whole to not only smear a sitting President; but also use fear, shame, and panic to create this false sense of security for the weakest of Americans: Liberals. Collectively, they are causing the death of America in real-time.
From the time the previous administration began the transition process for President Trump, there was subterfuge at the very core. First came the targeted persecution of Mike Flynn because the intelligence community; which had grown so autonomous under the outgoing administration, was terrified of Flynn’s outward intent to dismantle the apparatus piece by piece. Then came an investigation by Mueller of the Trump campaign. Liberals screamed “collusion” when none existed.
Killing America Using Impeachment as a Political Hatchet
Then they came to their second at-bat- Impeachment. A process for only the most serious crime and misdemeanors, the Democrats openly used it as a political hatchet of sorts; just before an election year, I might add. When that failed, they set in motion their “Break the Glass Plan”- COVID-19. The “dreaded, mortal danger” that this “scourge” carried with it. An overly inflated flu virus, while highly transmittable and serious to those with underlying conditions and the elderly; the Democrats and Media took it to new extremes. Completely overinflating the numbers and blaming it solely on one man: the sitting President of the United States.
This combination of panic, fear, and terror set the stage for the first stage of their plan: enhanced mail-in Voting. While the actions to expand mail-in voting were done solely by the executive branch on the state level; they held no basis in state law. Therefore, they are unconstitutional at the core.
That, however, was not a concern of theirs. See, for the Democrats and their “Woke” Liberal collaborators; the legality of the election was an afterthought. So long as they could bill it, and accept it as a means to oust the “tyrant” Trump from office, there was not a thing they would not be willing to do. Even steal an American presidential election. The Big Tech companies censored major stories that allowed the Biden campaign to go without any media backlash whatsoever. On the other hand, covering the current administration with open hostility, disrespect, and treachery.
The Death of American Elections using COVID-19 to Illegally Expand Mail-In Balloting
The second stage in Democrats’ plans to cause the death of America culminated in the hours after the polls closed on election night 2020; when the Democratic states managed to dump hundreds of thousands of illegal mail-in ballots at three, four o’clock in the morning. Resulting in the deck being stacked for basement boy Biden.
By morning, all the states that Trump had won with legal votes were now in the hands of Joe Biden; the puppet president. After weeks of legal challenges and subversion at every turn, the President still persists, as is his right and frankly, the proper course of attack. Now, most of these puppet states have certified their results, and it seems that for the first time, a usurpation of democratic ideals and government has successfully taken place. All made possible by the utter, nauseating, weakness of pathetic “woke” liberals.
They preach tolerance, fairness, transparency, and civility; citing the nature of the previous administration. When all they are, simply put: the weakest of America. In character, belief, and moral fiber. They say: ” Think about how others feel”, be considerate, apologize for the way you were taught, speak about injustice, and the government should support its people. These sentiments are the antithesis of America. They have propagated this sense that we all need to feel shame as a nation simply for being American. For wanting to be strong, free, and competitive. This fundamentally is the beginning of the death of this great nation and all she stands for.
Liberal Hypocrisy Isn’t America, It’ll Never Be America, It is the Death of America
Do you think that the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy, who defeated fascism, saved the world not once, but twice thought for a moment when looking certain death in the face about feelings? Intolerance? No. They thought about two things: Duty, and the preservation of democracy. That is what America stands for. Not some misplaced sense of sensitivity, or fairness. News flash: America is not fair, America is the one place where you are rewarded by what you put in, not by what is handed to you by the pimp overlords that you call liberal politicians. Success in America is rooted in the desire to better your situation through hard work, innovation, or however you are able to get there. In all honesty, Democrat politicians don’t give a damn about the average “woke” lemming’s feelings. Liberals are the weakest subsection of America, which is why the Democrats pimped liberals; especially the younger ones, all the way back to the White House and are now in a position to cause the death of America.
Now that the traitors you little soft “woke” liberals put into power are starting to backtrack on their deal; what are you liberals doing? Writing it off like the good little collective stable you all are:” Oh at least Trump will be gone” or “At least now I can make crying Trump memes”. Yet one inescapable fact still eludes your weak, pathetically dependent brains: President Donald Trump has done more in four, heavily road-blocked years than any president in the past thirty years. Not since Reagan, have the American people had a strong economy, strong foreign presence, and a strong sense of patriotism.
Just understand one thing, Liberals: you are the weakest America has to offer. Through this weakness, you have become collaborators in the greatest fraud in American History: Election 2020. Fortune willing, this sham will last only four years, and barring any further fascist actions by the Democrats to solidify the illegal mail-in voting changes: in 2024 you will see the right man elected BACK into office, for I and many others will look at President Trump not as a former President, like that pimp Obama; but as a President- in- exile.