Liberalism is American Fascism
Ronald Reagan Warned Us That Liberalism is American Fascism
The year was 1975, the man on the 60 Minutes segment was the former governor of California and eventual 40th President of the United, Ronald Reagan. During the interview, Reagan echoed a statement: “If fascism ever comes to America, it will be under the name of liberalism”. If Reagan were alive today, he would see those words come to fruition. In America, we now see the truth of his statement. Liberalism is American fascism.
From the use of propaganda to manipulate their army of liberal lemmings, to the use of violence in order to sow fear and division; liberals stay true to the foundations of fascism. They even adopt the anti-semitic beliefs found in Germany from 1934-1945. They actively seek to create lists of dissenters and freshman fascists like Sarah Jacobs have even floated the idea of “truth commissions”.
This perverse shift, coupled with liberal control over two-thirds of our federal government; demands of every patriot the willingness to defend America and our republic by all means necessary. The only way we can accomplish this is through seeing these fascist pimps and their army of lemmings for the traitors and enemies that they are. If we do not, America will be lost to the fascist abyss.
The Conditions for American Fascism Were Cultivated Through Systemic Sabotage

The perversion of American democracy has been a systemic, coordinated attack by the Democratic party for the past fifty years. The con that is liberalism and the hypocrisy that serves as its framework is based on oppression, subjugation, and hate.
There is no longer a media based on journalistic integrity, instead, it is solely a propaganda apparatus. Populated with doctored, parsed manufactured content that serves one purpose: incite hatred and violence against any person who does not adhere to the liberal programming.
The reason they have been successful is through the sabotage of American education, liberals have created an army of lobotomized lemmings to advance their treason. They deprived these lemmings of intellectual capacity and fostered their weakness of character to inspire empty value in their feelings and opinions.
Their army of collaborators truly believes that America is to be hated and destroyed because they have been led to believe that they are somehow worthy of a seat at the table. They are not, their value is an illusion. They have always been and always will be political capital to be pimped out on-demand for any and every purpose. The first fascist pimp overlord to overtly exercise this was none other than, America’s very own pop culture President- Barack Obama.
A man who rode on the backs of his enslaved liberal lemmings right into the White House, where he proceeded to kill Americans with American dollars through his support of America’s enemies. His treason is now being advanced by the current usurper Joe Biden.
Just like “The Fuhrer”, Liberals Harbor Anti-Semitic Hate

Instead of supporting and strengthening Israel, they actively support and prop up Israel’s neighbors who want nothing less than the complete eradication of the Jewish people. They embrace the same hate and anger that Hitler propagated in Germany, which lead to the Holocaust and systematic genocide of over six million Jews during the Holocaust.
Just as Hitler paid for his evil and hate, so too will liberals. The result however will be the same. The total destruction of this perverse ideology at the hands of patriots carrying the American flag as their standard, representing democracy and freedom. Adhering to the truths that are self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.