National Security And A Rigged Election
Democrat Governors Circumvented The Constitution, Compromised National Security

What would your great grandparents say if they were here to look at the current state of affairs? Odds are they would have said something is not right. Especially if they were alive to witness contemporaneously the rise of fascist regimes in Italy and Germany in the early 1930’s. This year’s election is nothing short of a national security failure the likes of which have never been seen before in America. The liberals and Democratic party have usurped the power of the people, and have engaged in a coup against the Republic.
The path to power when combating a democracy or any republic for that matter is threefold in its approach: First, create terror to instill fear (COVID). Next, use that vehicle to change the means by which said democracy operates (all mail-in, non-absentee ballots), and finally when the previous steps create the opportunity to usurp power, take it (the mainstream media declaring Biden President-Elect). With these tactics, directly from the fascist dictator’s playbook; the Democrats have incrementally and with as much deception as any true fascist rise, have compromised the integrity of American elections.
As a result, it is President Trump’s sworn duty to protect American national security. He must use all of the tools at his disposal including Homeland Security to combat this fraud. Which has been made possible through domestic terrorism, created by the Democrats as well as their illegal election power plays. Throw in racially divisive rhetoric and a weak, docile base that act collectively like mindless lemmings and you have the Democratic party in 2020. A party of fascists intent of circumventing the democratic electoral process in America.
For three and a half years now, the narrative of the liberal panderers has been that President Trump is a tyrant and detrimental to the country and its national security. Now the one thing our President knows, as any American who is smarter than a fifth-grader should know; this pandemic was brought center stage as a means to an end. This is why if you either cannot see or willfully disregard the fact that this was a rigged election; then you are either incompetent or complicit. Either way, you are aiding the domestic enemies of America. President Trump must use every tool at his disposal in order to preserve the integrity of our elections and our national security.
A simple fact is now in sharp relief: COVID was the pretense to introduce the illegal election orders that the Democratic Party would use to stack the deck. That fraud in turn has led us to a fraud like Joe Biden being referred to as the President-Elect. When all illegal ballots are removed from the equation, the voice of the American people gave a resounding mandate to Donald Trump for a second term.
However, the past nine months have resulted in the shift to an absolutely inexcusable erosion of independent thought. It has spread like cancer among a whole segment of the American electorate. Now, the path must be corrected through President Trump’s use of Homeland Security and other tools to ensure that these mail-in ballots are ruled illegal. Only SCOTUS has the institutional mandate to do this. Whatever must be done to not only get the issue in front of the court but whatever needs to be done to illustrate to the high court the truly detrimental and adverse effects those ballots have.
Mail-In Ballots In Multiple States Have No Legal Basis
Since mail-in ballots are not provided for by the one entity that the Constitution empowers to create election law; they must be discarded in order to preserve the integrity of our electoral process and democratic institutions as a whole. The fact that an “undue hardship” created by COVID, which lead to the executive overreach in individual states never existed. The simple logic that those very same voters who “needed mail-in ballots to have their voices be heard” willingly trek to Walmart in those very same states shows that no “mortal risk” exists.
This logic raises questions, it’s almost as if COVID selectively targeted people going to the polls. Being the basis for the bogus, completely irrational argument that was created the need for executive overreach by allowing for mail-in ballots in the first place. Now the Constitution is extremely specific when it comes to elections and where the power lies to legislate state election laws. The power lies in the individual state legislatures, not governors or election officials..
With that said, the inclusion of these illegal ballots serves to not only weaken our democratic process but to poison our democratic institutions as a whole. The introduction of these illegal mail-in ballots in such numbers to ensure a successful coup is right in plain sight for anyone who cares to take a break from the “woke panderer” mindset of the Democratic party. Instead, applying a few of the darker aspects of human nature; you will arrive at the conclusion, no matter how broad a sense that this was not a legitimate election. Now, with that said if you still choose not to see it for what it is then you are willfully ignorant and complicit.
This is why I submit to the President: do not concede this election, on the contrary now is the time to double down. Classify every single mail-in ballot as material vital to National Security, which would render any certifications using those ballots in the tally criminal. This would serve two very distinct purposes: First, it will put center stage the clear and present danger this threat poses- that this attempted coup has and will continue to cause irreparable harm to the very spirit of America and her institutions. Second, it will create a legal argument that no judge in their right mind would rule in favor of, therefore drawing a straight path to SCOTUS. Coincidentally, SCOTUS is the only branch of government that is above politics and partisanship. That is where this election and its seditious pattern of illegitimacy have to end.
If it takes using tools such as homeland security to do it, so be it. The enemy already alleges voter suppression, racism, and corruption; let them scream it a little louder. The fact is mail-in ballots are prejudicial, corrupt, and hypocritical. Whatever it takes to ensure that only the legal votes decide this election isn’t only necessary, but essential. Instead of rioting maybe liberals should have went to vote. Then there would have been no need for illegal mail-in ballots.
They could have mustered up the “unwavering courage in the face of adversity” that they claim to have when it comes to injustice and translated it to civic duty. Their army of lemmings go to Walmart and grocery stores, take part in riots, but somehow they could not go exercise their voice for “change” and went to the polls on election day. They send their kids to school but are too at risk to cast their ballots in person, which I remind you is the standard provided by a majority of state legislatures. It happens to also be the acceptable and secure way to exercise your right to vote.
Inclusion and tolerance have a place, and it is not in our electoral processes. Those have real-world consequences, not just likes on a post or a retweet. The hatred towards President Trump and his “mean tweets’ has resulted in the unthinkable: traitors and fascist usurpers in control of the United States government.