Obama & Puppet President Joe Biden
Ten Months Into Obama’s Shadow Term and His Goal Is Obvious: Destroy America

Barack Obama has gotten his third term in office, not through post-presidency advocacy or any other benign method to exert power on the Democrat party. Instead, he chose to take the road less traveled, the one with far less exposure; he chose to make his third term a shadow administration. Complete with his very own senile, and completely expendable white man: Puppet President Joe Biden.
For anyone who was listening when Obama “The Puppeteer” went on Stephen Colbert’s late-night show in November 2020, he quite literally told the nation his intentions. His intentions were to hijack this nation through a “frontman” or “frontwoman”, like something out of The Manchurian Candidate, talking through an earpiece. Without any culpability, accountability, or opposition. During the interview, Obama said:
‘If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a frontman or frontwoman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, then I could sort of deliver the lines but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, then I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating,’
Stickings, Tim. “Obama Jokes That There’s ‘so Much He Could Have Not Done’ in Office.” DailyMail.com
Well, here we are ten months later and sure enough, the great divider has now become an unelected shadow President. Free to set the agenda how he sees fit, able to do what he has wanted to do since January 2009- sabotage the free market, sow cultural division and hate and ensure that the democratic process in America is destroyed. His supporting cast is complete with the second-string players from his previous administrations, topped off with the Puppet Joe Biden, and the painfully incompetent, hopelessly inept Kamala Harris.
The first two Obama terms were an impotent, divisive, weak, sad excuse for a Presidential administration. The likes of which had not been seen since Jimmy Carter’s disastrous term. This was to be expected, once you realize what Obama’s goal has been all along: to completely destroy America and her institutions, in order to usher in a hybrid form of authoritarian government that is culturally fascist, but economically socialist. A fascist welfare state if you will. The past ten months have Obama’s fingerprints all over them. From the capitulation of Afghanistan to the soft stance and total impotence toward China as well as Russia.
Every Liberal Legislative Failure is a Glimmer of Hope for a Republic on Life Support

If our Republic can hold on until the end of the year, then the radical, irresponsible, and fiscally malicious “Build Back Better” agenda will die, as it should. In ten months, Obama has been able to use his own personal puppet President to open our borders, exacerbate the panic of COVID to infringe on state’s rights and individual liberties, all while simultaneously euthanizing America’s reputation, strength, and national security. Every crisis from Afghanistan, to Taiwan, the debt ceiling, and out-of-control inflation due to the left’s complete disregard of simple math and economics starts and ends with the puppet President Joe Biden. Obama’s very own senile, incompetent, white scapegoat. With the liberal base being a collection of entitled, ignorant, or just plain moronic lemmings; there is no pushback. Only blind support without question from the woke mob.
Just like every despot, dictator, and usurper Obama has an over-inflated sense of purpose. As long as he has his old, senile, inept white puppet President, there will be nothing that can stop the fascist cultural hijacking that is taking place. Through the use of racially divisive rhetoric, paramilitary thugs (BLM, Antifa), and exploiting the sheer idiocy of the armies of keyboard crusaders on Twitter and Facebook; the cultural war will rage on.
The Last Chance for Our Republic’s Survival? Two Democrat Senators
Although the core of self-aggrandizing, egotistical panderers and oppressors that call themselves “progressives” are not particularly strong in numbers; they have such a basic, almost child-like understanding of government and economics. The left has conditioned its base over decades of sabotaged education, and perverse emphasis on mediocrity; that they can now manipulate and brainwash their army of lemmings by simply making them feel valuable, and acknowledged. Hitler had the Gestapo, America has “the squad”. Hitler had his brainwashed youth, Democrats have their “woke” base.
Under Obama’s shadow administration, all of these elements lead to a fractured society. A society where there are two classes of citizens; and the fault lines are drawn by race and financial stability. For over a year, the government paid for the weak, lazy, and entitled to stay home and not work. Now, there is an employment crisis that has led to a supply chain crash and runaway inflation. This is exactly how Obama has always wanted it; a welfare state comprised of an easily exploitable proletariat that cannot live without the government’s handout programs.
Between these malevolent forces and the destruction of our once-great Republic (now on life-support); stand two common-sense Democrat Senators. Senator Krysten Sinema of Arizona and Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia. The only two Democrats in an entire party that can still be considered true Americans. They persist in their obstruction of “Biden’s” fiscally irresponsible, and dangerous “Build Back” bill that carries a price tag of around 3.5 trillion dollars and consists of programs and policies almost exclusively designed to reward entitled, lazy, freeloaders, and punish hard-working Americans. Senators Sinema and Manchin know that their constituents are against this bill and as a result, they truly are the only Democrats who will not vote for such a perverse and fiscally irresponsible package that will cripple our economy. They have been gutting the programs, specifically the energy programs that serve no purpose but to appease European climate agreements. At this point, it is the worst kept secret that Europe siphons off American wealth with these climate change agreements. So long as China, the world’s largest polluter and contributor to greenhouse gas increases, is not a party to these climate accords- it’s never going to make a meaningful impact.
Manchin and Sinema know this, and they are making their stand. As a result, they very well may be the last chance America has of surviving this shadow administration’s nefarious, and malicious goal of destroying America. For that, we salute Senator Sinema and Senator Manchin, for holding the line and not surrendering America to Obama, Biden, and their merry band of fascists.