Republican Civil War- It’s Time
This Is Not the First Republican Civil War
Donald Trump’s CPAC speech is approaching quickly, and what it is going to usher in is monumental. While the Republican party has gone through its “Civil Wars” in the past, they have mostly been rooted in certain platform differences. This time, it is a complete re-orientation of the party and its ideology. A Republican Civil War is not new and it has happened before, at the turn of the 20th century. It is necessary and it is time. Donald Trump is going to proclaim himself the leader of the party and rightfully so because the true spirit of Republican ideals is the inspiration behind MAGA.
The GOP has been beholden to the religious lobby for too long. Ever since the creation of the Bull-Moose party under Teddy Roosevelt, the focus of the party has been centered around issues that are faith-related. Abortion and Christian values are major policy issues for much of the modern era. Along with debt reduction, deregulation, focus on law and order, and a strong military coupled with a foreign policy befitting the world’s most powerful, and wealthy nation. It had a rigid, selfish, “1%” image on its platform. It felt as if you had to be well-educated, successful, wealthy, and Christian to truly identify with the GOP. That all comes to an end with Donald Trump’s speech this afternoon.
The party will once again be the party of patriots, consisting of Americans that embrace the ideals that are more closely aligned with the GOP of Lincoln and Roosevelt. Patriots, whether they be blue-collar or white-collar; bankers or factory workers. Those who prioritize American values, the Constitution, individual rights, and a limited federal government will once again be true Republicans.
A Civil War Is What The Republican Party Was Born From

In 1854, with the Missouri Compromise and the Kansas- Nebraska Act, the anti-slavery Whigs consisted mainly of New England Yankees who both rejected the institution of slavery, and saw the proliferation of slavery as a power grab by the slave-owning South. They splintered from the Whig party and formed what would become known as the Republican party. A party based on liberty, the inalienable rights of the individual, and a free-market economic model that promoted business and stressed competition.
Then came the man who would preserve our Union through its greatest conflict, Abraham Lincoln. The first Republican President, and the man who was responsible for abolishing slavery and preserving the fragile experiment that was America. The story of Lincoln and the original Republican party’s platform is the story of where we find ourselves today. The Constitution, the rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, and a free-market economic model will once again be at the heart of the Republican party.
This Republican civil war is not only necessary, but it is also essential to the success with regards to the battle we now find ourselves engaged in. A battle with toxic, cancerous liberalism. Liberalism is a repackaging of fascism, and as patriots, we are diametrically opposed to such tyranny. Patriots fighting on the side of liberty, facing off against treacherous liberal lemmings and the ongoing cultural revolution they are attempting to carry out.
Civil War Is The Catharsis That The Republican Party Experiences When An Ideological Realignment Is Needed

The 1912 Republican National Convention in many ways mirrors the current state of affairs the GOP finds itself in today. Teddy Roosevelt, seeking the nomination for a third term; had a personal feud with William Taft that turned into an ideological split. Roosevelt’s progressive leanings endeared him to most of the populous. However, it was seen as a rebuke of the elites and privileged few and Roosevelt lost the nomination.
Roosevelt then broke away and ran an unsuccessful third party (Progressive[Bull-Moose]) bid for the presidency. The importance of Teddy Roosevelt and his popularity, opposition to the elitist, corrupt model that the GOP had adopted; and his willingness to break completely with the party cannot be more central to what Donald Trump is doing almost one hundred and twenty years later.
Once again, it is because of a Republican civil war that the party has the ability to reset its core beliefs back to what they should be: Liberty, individual rights, limiting the influence of the federal government, a strong economy, strong foreign policy, and above all an America first approach.
In many ways, MAGA is the modern iteration of pure republicanism, embodied in a strong, sometimes brash, results-driven leader. In more ways than not, Donald Trump’s popularity, power over the party, and break from the old guard elitist mindset that has dominated the party; are exactly what’s needed to combat the rampant corruption and destruction that liberalism is inflicting. Like Teddy Roosevelt before him, Trump will blaze a path forward carrying MAGA with him and ushering in a return to true republicanism.
The GOP Must Fully Embrace MAGA & America First To Defeat Liberal Hypocrisy.

The time for the old guard, and their emphasis on policy shaped by religious values, and moral superiority; has come and gone. Those pillars will not be sufficient weapons in the battle we patriots will have ahead of us. Liberalism and its true nature which is fascist and tyrannical has one historical weakness.
The same weapons that America carried across the oceans during World War II to defeat the tyranny of fascism are the same weapons we will carry into battle again. Liberty, Democracy, and those inalienable rights of all Americans. These rights are held in trust within our two greatest documents. Represented by our flag, and embodied in the MAGA spirit. The fascist liberals want to take these rights from us. These weapons defeated fascism once and will do so again.
It is fitting that the leader of this renewed, strengthened Republican party has a titanic personality and will that can be likened to Teddy Roosevelt.
He has a conviction in what is right and a willingness to defend what is right by any and all means necessary. Trump’s resolve is reminiscent of Abraham Lincoln’s in many ways. A titan is exactly what we need to emerge victorious against the forces of tyranny that seek only to dismantle and destroy our great republic. That titan has come in the form of our 45th President Donald Trump.
The fascist enemy masquerading as liberals seeks to take away our inalienable rights and destroy this great nation. We, patriots, have everything we need to destroy this enemy and preserve this government of the people, by the people, for the people.