Republicans! It is Time to Act!

With each day that passes, with each administration appointment from this pretender, Joe Biden; the chances that America will ever have a free and fair election again diminishes. This fraud that has been perpetrated on America, the countless social attacks that have sought to weaken American Pride: BLM and Antifa among them; has put the soul of America in its most precarious position since the Civil War. This is why it is time for Republican National and State Representatives and Senators to come together and unequivocally announce their intentions to protect the country and the Constitution by challenging this fraudulent election and its results. My fellow Republicans, it is time to act. Republicans must hearken back to the spirit of Lincoln and steady their resolve. Trump or not, this transcends policy differences. This transcends petty squabbles; this rises to the level of defense of the homeland and our sovereignty; from those domestic elements that seek to topple it and usurp power.
It is every single Republican’s ideological duty to not only preserve our freedoms, the Constitution, the free market, and the rights of individual states; but to also put our own skin in the game when the circumstances call for it. My fellow Republicans, while you may be comfortable in your current office; the current symbiosis with colleagues cannot continue. The only goal that matters now is impeding democrats from implementing their anti-American, fascist agenda.
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, the Right to Bear Arms, The Right to Assemble, and just more broadly the right to be proud of being an American is now under siege from the fascist left. Our flag has been dishonored, our Republic has been compromised. The only tool left is our unwavering belief that a strong, free, and wealthy America is the only option.
America is under siege from a radical fascist democratic party that is hellbent on overthrowing all checks and balances. So desperate to achieve their ends that they openly support censorship, pay no mind to the Constitution, and incite racial violence to undermine the system. They indoctrinated the weakest of our country into believing that a virus was a valid reason to throw out our Democracy because of consideration, and caring. All of these elements have led to both the compromise of at least half of the populous, as well as our most prized creations: The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
Not only that, but the future of Free and Legal Elections is at stake. Now, regardless of your office, do you really think for a second that the same fraud won’t apply in 2022, 2024, and beyond? To allow the “results” of this fraud to be solidified and an Illegitimate President to assume the office would not only be a betrayal of everything a true Republican stands for and believes in, but it would also be a tragedy like none before. The United States of America, at one of her most vulnerable moments, was betrayed by her sons and daughters because they didn’t want to be on “the wrong side” of history.
Yes, the measures that would have to be taken are unprecedented to be kind, but the alternative and what they are being utilized to defeat is far worse. I implore every Republican, every Trump voter to use your voice to reach out to our Republican brothers and sisters in statehouses and in Washington D.C. to demand that they answer the call, the time for passive resistance is over. We must fight them, we must protect America and all the stands for. We must make sure that either the electoral votes from the States that were compromised due to the inclusion of illegal ballots either go to President Trump or that they are nullified altogether, and we leave it up to the Republican Delegations in the House to vote to reelect President Trump and allow the Senate to reelect Vice President Pence. This is the only way we as patriots and Republicans can ensure that this fraud and attempted coup is unsuccessful. The tools are already there.
Article II Section 1 of the United States Constitution states that the individual State Legislatures “shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress”, if enough of our Republican officials would simply put aside self-interest and prioritize the preservation of the Republic itself, this farce could be remedied. I call on every Republican state representative and senator in the states of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada to answer this call. The same call that Abraham Lincoln answered so many years ago: The Preservation of the Union.
I commend the Representative from Alabama Mo Brooks for his willingness to answer the call. He put into the public forum some facts about a one hundred and thirty-three-year-old law that exists called the Electoral Count Act of 1887. It came about after the contested election of 1876. All legislative speak aside, what this law allows Congress to do is dismiss the electors from individual states given enough support in both houses. Now, while it may be an uphill climb, it may cause serious unrest, but what it will do is it will make sure that this fraud perpetrated by Democrats is not successful. It will ensure that the Republic and the Union endure. I call of all Republicans and Trump supporters alike: Do not stand idly by while this nation of the people, by the people, for the people does not perish from this earth. Fight, even if it means your position. Protecting and preserving this great nation of ours is the only objective.