SCOTUS: Reenforcing the Constitution and Fixing Errors of the Past

A Landmark Decision Fifty Years in the Making
On Friday, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) handed down a ruling that both protected and reenforced the Constitution. Their ruling overturned a fifty-year-old court decision, Roe v. Wade (1973). Roe v. Wade was at the time, a controversial ruling that established abortion as a constitutional right. For the next fifty years, Roe v. Wade was law of the land. That is, until Friday, June 24th, 2022. Almost every high-profile “liberal” panderer in Washington has come out against this ruling, some going so far as calling for insurrection (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) NY) and the open disregard for federal law (Rep. Maxine Waters (D) CA). The inflammatory rhetoric and recent history of riots and lawlessness on the left is a cause for concern for the future of our Republic.
SCOTUS Corrected the Judicial Overreach of Roe v. Wade
SCOTUS not only fixed an egregious error committed by the court that handed down the Roe v. Wade ruling, but the court also took a step toward curtailing the power of the federal government. As the Tenth Amendment reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. The right to abortion access is not laid out in the Constitution, the tenth amendment applies. Essentially, the court returned the power back to the state legislatures. SCOTUS simply maintained an originalist interpretation of the Constitution.
In an originalist interpretation of the Constitution, the question of abortion rights falls under the Tenth Amendment. SCOTUS simply returned the power that was taken away from the individual states under Roe and gave it back to the states. Implying that the court has attacked women’s rights is inaccurate and deliberately inflammatory since it was not the basis for the decision that was handed down. This ruling was a matter of correcting an egregious case of judicial overreach by a previous court.
Liberals Lose a Major Platform Issue, Call for Violence and Riots

The propaganda and fanatical nature of today’s left are once again rooted in the liberal hypocrisy and historical tendency of liberals to exploit and subjugate those it claims to champion and protect. The average liberal lemming does not comprehend how they are being used by the Democrat panderers in Washington. They do not care one iota about protecting women’s rights, they are concerned with one fact: their party just lost one of their main platform issues four months before the midterm elections, and for the upcoming 2024 Presidential election. Tack that onto the complete and abject failure of the Biden Administration in all areas, Biden’s lowest in history approval ratings and you have a recipe for complete electoral disaster.
Historically, every dictatorial regime in history becomes terrified it will lose its grip on power. Liberals are no different. Rightfully so, because they are going to lose it, and when they do, the crimes and failures of the past eighteen months will finally come to light. The speed with which this administration has destroyed the economy, and sabotaged our influence on the world stage is terrifying. In eighteen months, the Biden administration has thrown us into a recession, condoned violence and aggression against the Supreme Court, and has done nothing to secure the southern border from being invaded by illegal immigrants. Any one of those policy fiascos would normally be grounds for impeachment, but liberals have a double standard.
That is precisely the reason that members (Biden, Ocasio-Cortez & Waters) from the two other branches of government are calling for violence and defiance toward SCOTUS and their rulings. They comment and instigate and then they let the fanatics in their base take it upon themselves to harass and threaten justices of the court. The left’s willingness to use violence was on full display when after Chuck Schumer threatened the court, a man was found with weapons near justice Brett Kavanaugh’s residence. He later confessed to having a plan to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the weeks leading up to this historic ruling.
Just like the fascist and dictatorial regimes of the twentieth century, liberals are willing to use violence and aggression when they do not achieve the outcome they desired. The subsequent calls for violence and disregard for the court’s power by members of Congress and an absence of condemnation for these actions by the President set a very dangerous stage for the future of the Republic and the status of America as a free nation.