The Double Standard: Pillar of Liberal Hypocrisy
The Double Standard: Cori Bush & AOC edition

So apparently in Cori Bush’s fantasy world, a riot in a prison is different from the riots across the country in 2020 and even different from the events that occurred on January 6th, 2021. Either she does not understand how the English language works, or she is practicing the double standard, a pillar of liberal hypocrisy.
Set aside the fact that she and her comrade-in-arms, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez along with plenty of other liberals resort to outright lying in order to stoke outrage, and perpetuate hatred for any mindset that is not the toxic liberalism they demand adherence to.
Cori Bush targeted Marjorie Taylor Greene by claiming to be “in fear for her life” and AOC claiming she thought she was going to die during the events at the Capitol when she was not even in the building. Yet these blatant works of fiction by Bush and AOC, instead of making the lemmings question her statement’s validity, helped to endear their lobotomized lemmings to the hypocritical, toxic liberalism that runs rampant in America.
Not only do they want to shred the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they actively call for the targeting of anyone who supports what the usurpers have labeled “Trumpism”.
Then both Bush and AOC turn around in the same hypocritical breath and accuse Trump and his supporters of sowing the same division, dissension, and hatred. This goes to show the level of hypocrisy that the whole party and by extension their army of crusader lemmings operates on.
The only ones in their narrative who are not guilty of the double standard are Donald Trump and those who support his MAGA policy. They are actual Americans, who love this country and believe it should come first.
Instead of buying into the liberal hypocrisy and turning a blind eye to the double standard; Trump supporters believe America should be strong, and should hold true to the principles upon which it was created.
The party of AOC and Cori Bush are the polar opposite of patriotic Americans, in fact, they more closely resemble the minister-level officials of authoritarian dictatorships in the 20th century.
Simply put, they are enemies and mean to do the Republic and the American identity irreparable harm, because they are traitors. Hypocritical, oppressive, and hateful at the core. With a deep disdain for America, free speech, and equality.
The Double Standard: Biden’s White House and The Propagandist Media

The inability to see what is right in front of you due to willful ignorance or complicity is an unimportant distinction. The simple fact is liberal lemmings when they defend these blatant examples of hypocrisy are no better than the treasonous Democrat politicians and media personalities that pump out the propaganda. In deficient liberal reasoning, if Trump did it, it’s bad.
Take the examples above, they are instances where the current Press Secretary for the Biden administration clearly makes the same hand gesture that Trump made last year. When Jen Psaki does it, no liberal outrage and call to arms from the ministries for propaganda and culture.
When Donald Trump made the same gesture, it was code for communicating with white supremacists, and because of this, he was a racist. That is a prime example of two realities of liberal hypocrisy: the media is no longer a source of journalism but a production apparatus for propaganda, and the double standard is essential in selling the liberal hypocrisy to the lemmings.
In reality, these propaganda outlets masquerading as media outlets are criminally complicit in covering up a fraud that has been perpetrated by one of the liberal pop culture heroes. This criminal won an Emmy, wrote a book, and did some other completely empty and unimportant things that liberal lemmings are enthralled by. His name is Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York. Andrew Cuomo just happens to be related to the anchor of one of CNN’s primetime programs- Chris Cuomo. Aside from being a traitor and a propagandist, he also happens to be a complete and utter waste, both as a human being and as a talking liberal flesh puppet.
Long story short is CNN decided not to cover Chris’ big brother’s criminal negligence and fraud when he directed his health departments to underreport COVID cases in nursing homes, by up to fifty percent. Not a single mention of it during primetime. The same guy called President Trump a murderer and said that “he had blood on his hands” due to his mismanagement of the pandemic. When all the while big brother Andrew was cooking the books, not with money but with the lives of elderly Americans. I hope an Emmy, in addition to whatever empty trinkets he collected or book deals he made, was worth it. He is the one who deserves to be impeached and indicted, not former President Trump.
The fact that Donald Trump was impeached not once, but twice with the latter coming when he was already out of office; should be sufficient evidence of the double standard that is a cornerstone of liberal hypocrisy. He was also acquitted both times because they were meritless liberal charades to serve the propagandist narrative.
The Double Standard and Liberal Hypocrisy- Will The Liberal Lemmings See It?
Will the liberal lemmings receive this dose of reality? Most likely they will not. The double standard is real, and it is the cornerstone of liberal hypocrisy. The most entertaining part of the liberal lemming’s mindset is that they truly believe they are the protectors and the future of American values. The lemmings actually think their opinions and feelings count for anything. Their voice doesn’t matter because they have collectively become brainwashed by propaganda in the media. Liberal lemmings are the terrible side effect of the “liberal lobotomy”. Garbage narratives are pumped into their weak, easily manipulated minds by propagandist media. Their intellect was actively being pimped by Democrats to further their authoritarian conversion of America.
Freedom of thought and freedom to express those thoughts are core tenets of America. Liberal lemmings are at best; lobotomized, handicapped, collaborators in Democrats’ ongoing campaign against the Constitution and freedom. At worst, they truly are traitors, and when toxic liberalism is defeated and eradicated as it should be; that distinction can be made.
The defeat and destruction of this attempt to infect America with the cancer of intellect and freedom known as liberalism are inevitable. The weakest segment of society can be successful in the short term but they will fail for one reason. “MAGA” and the patriots who saw the essence of the phrase will never allow the notion that Americans should hate America, to prevail.