The Free Flow of Information

Facebook and Twitter cannot censor or encroach on every American’s right to not only express thoughts but to also have a free flow of information. One that is unobstructed by the systemic use of censorship by the mainstream media that is so prevalent today. I will continue to do my part to keep the flow of information free. The free flow of information is paramount to a free and democratic society. A fundamental breakdown of free speech in the public sphere and driving of the conversation by platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have dealt a crushing blow to one of the rights that Americans used to revere: the freedom of speech.
When I use the word free, I mean the traditional definition of the word. Not the same way people have referred to this year’s election. The exact opposite of free describes this year’s election. The video below was leaked shortly after election day 2020, it was quickly taken down by the major platforms, including YouTube due to it being classified as “misinformation”. “Misinformation” in this new public forum, dominated by censorship and “fact-checkers”, is anything that the technofascists determine to be contrary to the narrative they have created.
In the interest of keeping the flow of information free, we have included a copy of the video below. This video is a full recording of a poll worker in Detroit, Michigan who made it past the liberal “cultural correction” ministries of Facebook and Twitter. Take a listen.
I will continue using this blog and the content within to reject and resist the censorship that has become so blatant and pervasive on social media. Neither the Ministry of Propaganda and Culture nor the liberal apologists can influence the information provided on Honestly Unapologetic. We will continue to do the hard thing: staying true to being an American.